Sensory Test
Taste research examines the sensory attractiveness of newly developed products and existing products. Taste research allows us to understand the sensory profile of products, in relation to the definition of the marketing concept, while taking into account all the products’ sensory aspects: taste, texture, look, and smell. In the case of new products – the results of the research are a focalized improvement briefing guide, which translates consumer language into technological and marketing language. Consequently, improvements in the product raise its attractiveness among target audiences and influence their consumption habits and patterns. In the case of existing products – the results of the research asses the product’s sensory strengths and weaknesses among its target audiences, on its own and compared to competitor products on the market.
Taste research comprises a large variety of methodologies:
Monadic test – Evaluation of the attractiveness of a single product, on its own
Comparative test – Examination of existing products or products in development versus other versions, or versus their competitor products
Different test – Examining whether consumers experience products differently after modifications in raw materials or other technological changes
Tracking test – Understanding the attractiveness of market products versus their competitor products.